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Status Replies posted by Hariz

  1. Regret going to sleep late already gm

  2. Regret going to sleep late already gm

    1. Hariz


      what are you? 10 y/o sleep early? damn 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Last exam tomorrow finally OMG gn valrise... 

  4. Unban Marco Spagerolli... everybody deserves a 40th chance

  5. You banned me, I will tell you what I'm thinking.


    I was in ballas gang,  A few days ago .. I got banned for some reason, So the leader of ballas asked me 2.5kg drugs Because of me the gang got lost point.

    Actually I don't know what the fuck it means of point in the gang, Anyways they forced me to pay it up or they would kick me from the gang.

    I was planned to pay this problem with cash in the game,

    The gang leader said he doesn't need any cashs.

    So I thought, I would be kicked for sure, Because I don't know how to get drugs in the server, I was newbie of the server.

    Better than being character kill, I planned to kill those two people who asked me drugs.

    So I killed them and I got kicked, The gang leader was doing revenge kill or metagaming, The reason that why I do think so is.

    He got killed by me and he got memory oocly, then he kicked me up from the gang.

    Actually, I got only one week banned date, I don't mind.

    But my action that I did to them was right thing as gang betrayer.

    Nobody wants to be a part of gang which asking money or drugs.

    I just want to know why I am banned, Things I did to them was right thing.

    1. Hariz


      Free baekwoo best RPer !

  6. We dont have females in my country so I harass them in game, ez.

  7. Cat mafia recruiting.

    PM Dizzy or Richard Griffin in game.

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