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Everything posted by Sons

  1. Sons

    State Vehicles

    That's all? In my opinion you should think about it in more depth
  2. Probably, it's only light option, could be other
  3. But have to resolve other problems, not only delete state vehicle and ahve to ask many questions like what, if won't be any taxi driver, what if..... etc I saw server, which resetting the server to 0 many times and it wasn't good too, maybe higher prices like on lsrp? It's some kind of good idea + why not resolve it IC'ly? If players are rich and have money, maybe rise more taxes for them, maybe rise prices for many others products
  4. Generally it's good idea, but... exactly (?) State vehicle could be, but maybe add option to start this harder and maybe randomly, I mean... some vehicle can turn on engine, some not and.... maybe have securities like immobilizer, alarm so add some kind of thief level
  5. What, if won't be any taxi driver or vehicle rental group?
  6. That's the point, because best dm'ers can be also great rp'ers, but in some reasons they can dming or something other and they know what can be problem with this server, they can know it very well; much writing about it- I saw very much situations from all environments Time for roleplay now!
  7. Nah, light rp it's not DM, this is wrongly interpreted by many people and allow them to rule breaking like on horizon, but not is dm. Of course, that many many things should be IC'ly than OOC'ly, but should be very good thinking and adjust to roleplay server.
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