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Quincy_Ross banned by Anonymous

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    DMing and disturbing an admin scene
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    Okay, I'm gonna start stating a few stuff before explaining the story.

    First I dont know who banned me because it says "Anonymous", second it doesnt say when did I get banned as I got banned around a week ago so I put a random date. Third, I am not going to say bullshit and lie like "mudoo is my favorite server" "I love mudoo and it's the only reason I play samp" and stuff like that because I wanna be 100% serious.


    Now with the story, me and Kane Menace got in a robbing spree because we were poor. After we get some money we store them and begin to act cocky and tell people "Fuck you broke boy" because RPing a hoodlum who doesnt have money who just got 10K from a robbery is pretty much something to brag about. Everything going fine when we pass some Gvardias and I make the mistake of saying "Fuck Gvardias ya broke boys", why is it a mistake? Because they fucking shot me down, yes, 6 ppl shooting at me for saying they are broke. Anyways I called an admin, the admin simply brushed it off, spectated me seeing that I got finished and she just waited about five minutes for the Gvardia to log out, then PMed me that she logged out so I have to do a forum complaint.

    Ok, now I was pretty mad, I go to the gunshop and there the Gvardias are again, I punch one of them because they are blocking the entrance and I was stuck, and they all start shooting at me. I saw a downed person's body there (which was unfortunately the guy who killed me) and robbed his gun as fast as possible trying to shoot back at the people who shot at me.

    After that scene we have a long admin scene that took about 30 minutes and the whole thing was skipped because the admin told him he had to do a forum complaint. After they TP us to the townhall, Kane Menace stabs him and /q's (Not snitching, he already got banned for it), I stay there for longer telling him that I didnt stab him and I didnt do anything to him after the admin sit but he still reports me, after that this anonymous admin starts speaking in a foreign language with them, I tell them to speak english and he starts going on saying how I DMed him 5 times (which I only shot him once because he shot first for calling him a broke boy, then the second time I just took his gun while he was downed), at this time I was doomed, the admin started siding with him and I just shot him out of anger because at this time I was about to get banned for something I didnt do, and /q'd.


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Hello, Quincy_Ross!


Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions:

  1. Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time.
  2. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies.
  3. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced.


In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.

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Alright. First of all, you gotta work on your temper. You can always defend yourself with valid proofs and conclude the situation in a proper manner. Instead of shooting midst admin sit and then leaving the server. How do you think the staff member will react? 

Secondly, random robbery is prohibited. If anyone rulebreaks, you report them and if any admin is failing to evaluate the situation correctly, you can gather evidence and report on forums. 

I expect you to show better behaviour and be mature. Unbanned.

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