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[Denied] Thomas Lewandoski banned by Cavosavosk

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Hello, Thomas Lewandoski!


Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions:

  1. Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time.
  2. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies.
  3. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced.


In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.

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Hello Thomas!


You have not only been on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd ban, this is the 4th. And for the ban consequences "3rd ban -> review time and account wipe up to discretion of the staff, up to 100%" - Ban Consequences

You are looking at most likely a full account wipe in your 4th ban.


I'll have Management consider your appeal. Do not message staff or anyone about your ban, do not bump or ask anyone from Management or bother them about it.


Your appeal is poorly written but we will take factors that you tried to get unbanned before. Good luck.




Edited by Queen
some random worded poped below
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10 hours ago, Eminem_SnoopDogg said:

@Queen can u just skip my bans bcs some bans are for bets that I did with Valentino u can count this as 3rd deserved ban not 4th, thank you


That makes it the 3rd which still same result - "review time and account wipe up to discretion of the staff, up to 100%" - Ban Consequences"

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