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On Necessity of Counter-Terrorism


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On Necessity of Counter-Terrorism

An Essay By Joseph Archon, Secretary of Diligence Party


Since the tragic events of September 11th, where a barbaric attack resulted in 2,977 innocent civilians dead, or even 18 years earlier, when MNF peacekeepers' barracks in Beirut were subject to a deadly terrorist attack by Islamic Jihad, Terrorism has always been a hot topic for politicians and civilians alike. Almost everyone has taken a stance against Terrorism, with varying methods to fight it. Some propose direct military invasion of alleged centers of terrorism, such as what President Geroge W. Bush did in his War on Terror; while some propose a defensive approach, where borders are firmly monitored and security is tightened. To date, no study has provided a definite, 100%-assured strategy to repeal this threat once and for all.


Terrorism begins its infancy in perception of inequality. What Al-Qaeda, Komala, Naxalites and Kach have common is that they believe they, or the people they presumably represent, are having their rights taken away. These perception of inequality is often false and out of ignorance and disinformation; terrorist organizations utilize extensive propaganda to recruit mostly ignorant youth to their cause. Their definition of their rights is absurd, and their disregard for basic human rights is clear and obvious.


So, one preventative measure is proper campaigns in spreading truth among the most recruited portions of population; they must know that their situation is not hopeless and there's always a way for representation of their interests in a democratic state, such as San Andreas. But ignorant youngsters are only a percentage of terrorists. What should be done about those who have joined these organizations for their own profit or joy?


The answer is active counter-terrorism. Since 2001, there has been a global campaign actively combating terrorism around the world. Led by the US, global forces have tried for decades to eradicate terrorism in various countries. Some claim their campaign has been a success, and some believe it's been a waste of resources and manpower. But what of San Andreas?


Our state is currently plagued by terrorism. To the north, Bone County and Tierra Robada are destabilized by the San Andreas branch of the Pakistani terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba. Las Payasadas, together with Verdant Meadow Aircraft Graveyard have become a headquarters for these merciless terrorists. Their front organizations openly operate throughout Los Santos and collect donations, which are used by LeT to attempt further terrorist acts within the state. San Andreas is made unsafe. So far, the government has taken little action regarding this major threat, however, it is not to be blamed. Mr. Timon recovered the government from the hands of an incompetent governor when the very heart of San Andreas, Los Santos, was on the verge of chaos. It is only understandable that he may not have had much time combating a physically distant issue while dealing with economic revival of city.


Now, let us not fall into the slippery slope of extremist measures. Terrorism can be countered with adequate actions, such as establishment of anti-terrorist task forces, regular patrols in northern areas of the state, educating civilians in matters related to combating and reporting terrorism to the authorities, and such. Hope we all be safe once again, and live in a state free of senseless violence.

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Comment: I heard that the candidate is Robert Snake. The guy have Snake in his name, will he not be a snake for the city? Will he prove he is worth the position? Is he trustworthy? 

How will he prove it? 

Citizens want to know!


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