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  1. Lets not forget that my friend was hacking while i was banned.
  2. What is your in-game name? Chiro_Brix Which staff member banned you? Zac Hernandez When did you get banned? 12/26/2022 What is the ban reason? Accomplice to a hacker Personal comment Hello there,Chiro here.Its my 3rd time banned,and i dont know the reason behind the ban.So basicially a in-real life friend of mine was hacking without his knowledge,and manager Zac supposed that i knew he was hacking,as we we're staying together in-game with my "cheating" friend.Well now i got banned i dont know the date but,i got banned,while he got unbanned.I think thats unfortunate for me.Also,i saw that Zac said we did the money-sharing on purpouse,but infact we didnt.We were buying a restricted gated house because we wanted to make a group,but my friend got banned further on.I promise i didnt know my friend was cheating,because cheating is useless,and i didnt think my friend would make that choice.I was inactive for so long and im still inactive,i dont have even gta installed,but i will be back if my unban gets accepted.I wish myself good luck,and to not forget,im doing this just because valrise is a Wholesome server and my entire samp friendship is there,i miss them. Your's truly Chiro
  3. What is your in-game name? Chiro_Brix Which staff member banned you? Matthew Reiner When did you get banned? 11/27/2022 What is the ban reason? Desc label abuse Personal comment So,hi.This is second time coming here asking for a unban.First of all i apologise for all my wrongdoings.The reason behind this ban is "desc label abuse".Infact i didnt know what that was till today,i just saw a friend doing it,then later on i typed a text something that has to do with "Brix" as my last name,as i said we play good.I didnt know that writing that was abusing.Also,since i got unbanned,i tried to keep my punishment history so clean.I didnt get any punishment just yet,and i truly apologise,and please give me another chance for this.I didnt know that was abusing.Im sorry. Yours truly Chiro
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