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  1. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 11/23/2022 What is the ban reason? Script abuse-pns Personal comment Greetings and happy new year to everyone. The actions done by me in the past were wrong which i regret doing them and i apologize for it. I respectfully waited to the given time for re - appeal unban request in a hope for chance to continue playing in the server. - im sincerely apologizing For the rulebreaks I did.
  2. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 11/23/2022 What is the ban reason? Script abuse Personal comment Sorry sir,my actions were wrong. I didnt knew it and i done that in frustrated situation. Hope you forgive me and give me chance . I will be very careful. -Thankyou
  3. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 11/23/2022 What is the ban reason? Script abuse - abusing pns Personal comment Hey anonymous,i dont know what to say it was messy sit your VT shoots my car and damages it for no reason. im just a rookie and i didnt know that is script abuse by using pns ,my intention was to repair the car. And the reason why i did that is : when i used my first pns cops came and blocked the exits while i was still inside the pns and they started picklocking my car and damaging it by ram,so i used the pns to rapair it , i would have taken the admin jail or warn or temp ban,i dont wanna be on permanent cuz of the thing i didnt know....and it happened cuz the cops - how is it fair when iam inside pns chilling and repairing my car and all cops come from near pd at idle pns and block the exits and starts damaging my car when i teleport out of pns.....that made use pns , by the way i wont repeat that pns abuse cuz i know this time that it is a abuse. [ I request for checking my logs ,that VT Dmed me by shooting my car and he shot me too without any reason infront of new idle pd near pns ,which will cleary explain the sit]
  4. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Antonio_Torres When did you get banned? 11/15/2022 What is the ban reason? Inability to RP Personal comment I tried escaping cops using rp,and didnt notice their rp chat which was bad and cause the ban,my bad and sorryeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Benson_Andolini When did you get banned? 10/22/2022 What is the ban reason? Force crashing to avoid TV Personal comment Hi, manager benson tped me for TV and i accept that but when i noticed actually My device was low on charge and it was on 120hz . I sent benson my ss on dm at that time to show him my charging but unfortunately manager benson was busy in game and didnt check it and my device got switched off . when i charged my device and logged in ,I got banned for force crash to avoid tv When i didnt FC. https://ibb.co/VW3fvvR https://ibb.co/Qk10MQT Copy : https://ibb.co/VW3fvvR https://ibb.co/Qk10MQT
  6. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Benson_Andolini When did you get banned? 09/25/2022 What is the ban reason? Mobile cheats Personal comment Hello respected management.Im Kiran_Chicha and i got banned for typing command /enablecjrun, I apologize for typing it. I request for a second chance and i wont repeat this things. Thankyou!
  7. What is your in-game name? Kiran_Chicha Which staff member banned you? Benson_Andolini When did you get banned? 09/25/2022 What is the ban reason? Mobile cheats Personal comment Hello respected management, Im Kiran_Chicha . Im really sorry to disturb your team and i really didn't know that other clients are not allowed in valrise smp , i feel very shameful for getting banned. I didnt use hacks, the client i use had no auto aim/auto track . I was only using that client for better fps and lag fix. If i get a second chance i will only use play store client, once again im sorry.I request management for a unban so i can continue playing in mobile and i will only use playstore client, thank you.
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