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Honorable Ex Staff Member
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Everything posted by antoniodr

  1. Denied. Try your luck again after one week from today.
  2. When you wish to fill a serious appeal, feel free to do so. Denied
  3. ye, getting it from a state auction is an abuse
  4. Yes, however we do not make this for those kind of properties
  5. Referring to the last ban appeal, appeal again after March 15th. Denied
  6. Hello Carter! You can change your interior with id 109, this will cost you $30,000. On the other hand, it is not possible to remove this wall in any way since it is an integral part of the building. Regards, Antonio
  7. You should think about your actions before you do them. We don't tolerate people advertising other servers that are aimed against us in public. Your appeal is denied, you may reappeal again after 3 weeks, exactly on 15th of March.
  8. Approved, contact any property admin in game to get it set. Consider you have to pay $30.000 for the interior change.
  9. You have tried to exchange your account, which is not allowed for our server rules, it was your mistake completely. Your request is denied, appeal again after two weeks, exactly on 7th of March.
  10. Pick a valid interior id which fits your property from this list, there is no id 4: Interiors
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