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  1. Auction ended. To be sold to you. Accept discord and lets meet in game. Topic can be closed.
  2. If nobody offers more it will be sold to you tomorrow at 10 CET.
  3. If it's a typo and you meant k instead of m, there is already a noted offer of 800k and the minimum sum between bids must be 100k. If it's not a typo I'll consider it trolling.
  4. 2.8m is if someone wants to grab it asap before friday, I dont really expect that sum. Anyways, noted!
  5. The complex is composed of 2 small houses and several barns around them, the biggest barn has a bar decorated inside, both properties have yard set. Great for a wide range of roleplay ideas. Picture attached. Location: /gps 512 Value: each house costs 100.000$ will not be sold separatedly. Starting bid: 500.000$ Buyout: 2.800.000$ Minimum sum between bids: 100.000$ The auction ends on 30 August at 12:00 CET and the complex will be sold to the highest bidder.
  6. Even in v2 where economy was fucked it got sold for 5m in auction, bro dreams of 10m in v3 where everybody lost their money Stop tryin to ruin the economy again lil' bambino jew
  7. Nigga bringin his bois to fake bid higher to scam people for that shit he got for free, same old v2 ways smh
  8. And so the economy gets fucked again by the briliant minds from the management giving expensive shit for free and by greedy pakis who ask for milions The only hope is that nobody is that retarded to pay those prices
  9. Bro just hopes to profit from the activity of the 2 neurons of the management
  10. 75,000,000.00$ via bank of Los Santos.
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