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Makruh_Ademi last won the day on June 21 2023

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  1. What is your in-game name? Jason_Luvz Which staff member banned you? Eren_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/18/2023 What is the ban reason? Disrepecful & Toxic behaviour Personal comment Hello, I am once again here appealing for unban that I got due to Disrespectful & Toxic behaviour from Eren, last time, I had promised Eren that I wouldn't be toxic and have disrespectful behaviour, unfortunately I got into an argument with Hiroshi (Mark_Garrick) in which my anger and ego blinded me and I started relentlessly throwing insults towards him, although, fortunately after the argument had ended I analyzed the situation thoroughly and realized that he was right and I was wrong, which after I immediately apologised to him, I ask for forgiveness to Eren as I had broken my promise of keeping good behaviour and stopping this toxic and disrespectful behaviour, if there is any way I can prove that I will keep a positive behaviour rather than a negative one, I will do my best to prove it. Thanks for observing my appeal.
  2. What is your in-game name? Jason_Luvz Which staff member banned you? Eren_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/18/2023 What is the ban reason? Disrepecful & Toxic behaviour Personal comment Hello, I am here appealing after 1 month as I was advised from Eren on the 16th of June, I am here appealing once again, once more I will say I am sorry for my behaviour in that day and I shouldn't have behaved in that manner, once again I am sorry to Eren and all of the people I offended and this kind of behaviour won't repeat. Once more, I apologize to all the people I offended
  3. I will take the consequences. I will be more respectful to the server rules and in general. I will behave and will not be toxic. And I will follow the server rules. Once again I am sorry for this behaviour and it will not occur again I promise. Yours truly Jason.
  4. What is your in-game name? Jason_Luvz Which staff member banned you? Eren_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/18/2023 What is the ban reason? Disrespectful Behavious and Toxic Behaviour Personal comment I am sorry for my actions once again. I know im supposed to make another ban appeal in june but im just curious to know if i will get unbanned in the mass unbanning since i was cacced once. I am also willing to accept any consequence so I could just get unbanned and play with my friends again. And again I apologize for my behaviour this will not repeat I promise.
  5. What is your in-game name? Jason_Luvz Which staff member banned you? Eren_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/18/2023 What is the ban reason? Disrespectful Behavious and Toxic Behaviour Personal comment Hello I am back and I am sorry for that other troll appeal. I was kinda mad at that point cause we already got warned for camping and we were about to get warned again. I've been warned alot of times lately and that is kind of the main reason I flipped. I am sorry for camping and disrespectful behaviour and this will not repeat. As for Richard i did not tell him to knife anyone or anything about his behaviour or trolling. I copied his appeal cause we were both trolling.
  6. What is your in-game name? Jason_Luvz Which staff member banned you? Eren_Hernandez When did you get banned? 05/18/2023 What is the ban reason? Disrespectful Behavious and Toxic Behaviour Personal comment Sorry yall I was bein a lil autsitic, sometimes my alter autistic ego takes over me. See this mark garrick nigga was being a lil bitch and hiding inside of sd station in dilimore so I was waiting for his ass outside then this George_Nigger did /b WHY CAMP and I told his dumbass that he should go jump off. He then warned me like a bitch so I camped again then he told me again so then I asked him why tf he can camp but I cant then he told me to kill myself. Then this Eren dude tped me along with mark garrick, as you may know mark garrick is my number 1. enemy and then got banned. Sorry yall please unban me so I can see the hozay family expand once more and play with my friends.Also pls unban me for 3 seconds i have a house to give to my homie Martin.
  7. What is your in-game name? Ruffaro_Hunter Which staff member banned you? Katherine_Johnson When did you get banned? 04/12/2022 What is the ban reason? Illegal modifications found on TV (Mixsets +Gta sa folder modified mid admin-sit Personal comment As per the deniers request I am back here after one month, hello I am back here again to appeal for my ban. Again I sincerely and deeply apologize for ruining the experience of other players with my illegal modifications. I downloaded random GTA's which I should've thought twice about. I'm ready to take any consequences. Again, I'm very sincerely sorry about my illegal modifications. Yours truly, Ruffaro
  8. What is your in-game name? Ruffaro_Hunter Which staff member banned you? Katherine_Johnson When did you get banned? 12/04/2022 What is the ban reason? Illegal modifications found on TV (MixSets + GTA folder modified mid admin sit) Personal comment Hello, I recently got banned because of illegal modifications and altering my GTA folder in the middle of my admin-sit. I wasn't thinking straight and just wanted to make my experience better, not realizing that I had downloaded illegal modifications along with the GTAs that I got. I hadn't double checked on whether the things I downloaded were allowed on Valrise and again, I apologize. I was being inconsiderate. I did not know that I had illegal modifications but I know that doesn't justify me having them as it was entirely my fault for not confirming if they were allowed. As for me altering my folder, I was scared that my car mods were illegal so I deleted them without thinking too much. I know I repeated myself a lot but I want to make it clear that I regret what I did. I will deal with any compensation that will allow me to play again, because I just want to play with my friends again. I am sorry.
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