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  • Birthday 05/31/2006

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  • [SA:MP] RP
    Alessandro Vittori
  • [SA:MP] GW
  • [FiveM] RP

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  1. What is your in-game name? Magnum Furamo Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 12/29/2023 What is the ban reason? alt acc magnum fur Personal comment Hello, I have been unbanned a month ago and haven't logged in since then (Appeal). I believe this is a misunderstanding and I would like to be unbanned. If it's somehow a valid ban, then I would like to know what "alt" account was used, because I have no clue.
  2. What is your in-game name? Magnum Furamo Which staff member banned you? Brian When did you get banned? 12/18/2023 What is the ban reason? adv Personal comment I trust this message finds you well. I am formally appealing the suspension of my account in Valrise RPG. I sincerely apologize for any inadvertent breaches of the game's regulations. During the ban, I have familiarized myself with the guidelines and am committed to aligning with community standards. I miss being part of the Valrise RPG community and kindly request the unban of my account.
  3. I still was mad and pissed off about the ban, so I decided to troll appeal, I regret doing it and I'm really sorry about it. I guarantee you that these things won't happen again.
  4. What is your in-game name? Adolf Walter Which staff member banned you? Kenny Miller When did you get banned? 08/20/2022 What is the ban reason? toxicity not needed here. Personal comment It's been 2 months after the ban, I've matured enough and I understand my mistake, I assure you such acts won't happen again. I want to play with my friends in this server.
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