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  1. What is your in-game name? Mike_Coconut Which staff member banned you? David_Henderson When did you get banned? 01/27/2021 What is the ban reason? Constant DM Personal comment So basicly I was driving with my friend and u was killing everone who called me bad word cause i dont like it. Some popo officer called me cunt and i killed him. Turned out that he was popo and i was banned then Im very very sorry and I didnt know that I cant kill peope on here.. :(((((
  2. Hey pedro, In forum u replied that u got unbanned but I still have ban :(


    1. Skinny Pete

      Skinny Pete

      Pedro banned when?

  3. What is your in-game name? Mike_Coconut Which staff member banned you? Kacper_Kowalski When did you get banned? 11/22/2020 What is the ban reason? RDM, script abuse (using fire extinguisher for not intended purpose) Personal comment Its all my fault in this ban cause I was working as a firefighter and driving to duty. When suddenly a random police officer started to chase me, I continued to drive to my duty because there was not much time left. He still chased me. After that I killed him with a fire extinguisher because he ruined my work... Im actually very sorry about that i am missing this server. I wont do it again, I promise this is my last ban.
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