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  • [SA:MP] RP

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  1. Good parking space It has back garden Alarm lvl4
  2. Is it possible to move other house structure to my location? I heard that its possible
  3. Is it possible to make a ramp or smt? Or maybe elevate the ground?
  4. Another print screen from the behind the house.
  5. Name: Carter_Sanchez Type: House Reason: I need to modify my house, theres space behind it that i see good and reasonable to make a yard the thing is theres a wall blocking any car to access it. I would choose the INTERIOR ID: 109 Im open to explore other sugestions tho. Thank you. GPS: 1982 Image:
  6. Name: Carter Sanchez Panel Profile link https://forum.valrisegaming.com/index.php?/profile/1357-rodas/
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