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  1. Today
  2. Another solid piece from my collection! This Manana was extensively modified and includes: - dope paintjob - fast & furious bodykit - sport red seats - all the swag you need Offer me a price below!
  3. We do not change interiors of already existing properties. DENIED
  4. Name: Garry Ozaak Requesting: Interior change for NR.203 from ID86 to ID91. Image:
  5. Hello @Yusu! Your property request has been DENIED, as it doesn't look like a house, rather a little cafe. Regards, shaqq
  6. Hello @Han_Zheng! Garage APPROVED, it will cost you $5,000,000. Contact any property admin in-game to set it up for you. Regards, shaqq
  7. Hello @silas sedkaui! As per advertisement rules, this post is being locked due to being inactive for 2 weeks. Regards, shaqq
  8. Yesterday
  9. You can even withdraw it Bambino lmfao idc
  10. Sure im not offering higher then 5m at this point
  11. Do you think i'm a no lifer to plant weed and wait for it to be done so I can water it and harvest it? That's the reason why I'm selling the house, because I have no damn time to wait for all that retarded process.
  12. Name: Dylan_Becker Requesting: House Image:
  13. you are the one who has it how you dont know? to sell it for a reasonable price we need the profits
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