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RyuKii#7763 banned from Discord


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    Understandable enough yes I was toxic and my attitude was shit... I've grown some balls to apologise and to fix my attitude up. Hoping to get unbanned if possible


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Hello, RyuKii#7763!


Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions:

  1. Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time.
  2. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies.
  3. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced.


In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.

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  • Community Owner

Before this you were muted at least one time. I believe even multiple times. You even made an agreement to stop/change your behaviour and otherwise would be removed. It is very clear that you have received multiple chance to improve you attitude and avoid a ban. You however did not take this opportunity. Why should we even unban you if you most likely will just return to your old behaviour?

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31 minutes ago, Mikro said:

Before this you were muted at least one time. I believe even multiple times. You even made an agreement to stop/change your behaviour and otherwise would be removed. It is very clear that you have received multiple chance to improve you attitude and avoid a ban. You however did not take this opportunity. Why should we even unban you if you most likely will just return to your old behaviour?

I'd not return to that same behaviour... I was childish and stupid but I've changed 

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1 hour ago, Mikro said:
34 minutes ago, Mikro said:

You said that too after getting muted. You were given the chance to improve with the consequence of a ban. Wasn't that enough already?


Yea it was enough but I was being a dumbass and kept on trolling I will make sure to never repeat t again

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  • Community Owner
20 hours ago, Dansei_okumura said:

eager to join the server back

You do understand that with your recent attitude we are not really eager to have you back in the server? Don't expect this to be a quick unban. Especially if you keep flooding this topic. We have yet to see a good reason on why we should trust you after all the times you kept ignoring our warnings.

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20 minutes ago, Mikro said:

You do understand that with your recent attitude we are not really eager to have you back in the server? Don't expect this to be a quick unban. Especially if you keep flooding this topic. We have yet to see a good reason on why we should trust you after all the times you kept ignoring our warnings.

I ignored those warnings because I was a dumbass I haven't gotten a brain to understand what I was doing but so far I've changed flooding the topic was my bad but I already know my options either I get unbanned or I remain banned I'd prefer one in which I get unbanned but so far it seems I dont deserve that but if I would I'd take any chance there is to get unbanned and get back on the community w/o getting myself into trouble ( I will follow the rules) 

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Ok here we go...


Been a shit month for school got couple of shit grades and homework debt but that ain't matter look I've changed since those 3 months I'm no longer a dickhead Lukas if I even get unbanned I'd change my name asap cause Lukas is the type of guy to annoy everyone just for existing and living in pakistan but NO I'm no longer like that I completely changed I already installed CAC and wont ban evade till ever but all I want to do is have some fun on the server which was pretty easy considering how popular it is... I've been racist,annoying,trolling and much more but I changed to the better 

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