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  1. What is your in-game name? Emily_Rojer Which staff member banned you? Marko_Vanhanen When did you get banned? 09/10/2022 What is the ban reason? Mobile hacks Personal comment Hello valrise team,im emily. Im a mobile player. I actually got banned for using driveby in mobile.I didnt know that it was banable and it is called hack in the valrise server.I cant afford PC so i play in mobile.As you all know mobile is full of disadvantages,bugs but i never abused them. The only reason im here is i got banned which i didnt expect to be happen if drive by in mobile is banable i wont use it again.I joined this server 14-20 days ago and you can check my active hours.I love the server and people i dont want to miss them.I request valrise team to unban me ,and i promise if you inform me that driveby in mobile is banable i wont repeat it. Thank you team Yours lovely emily
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