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Posts posted by Vendrell.

  1. 2 hours ago, TiMoN said:

    dude its 2019 who gives a fuck how many accounts someome has




    It's not like there isn't ways to know who's who and what they're doing with the accounts.  Just let people have two accounts, if they abuse the whole point of having another character which should be entirely separate from their current one then just take their second account away from them.  Extensive application to make another account lmfao 2008 called.

  2. They ain't going to remove it due to all the snowflakes on here that are unable to navigate a map in a game that's over a decade old.  Not to forget all the cops who would be crying rivers because they couldn't find a suspect in time.  Just look at that absolute retards post a few posts up, already triggered at the mention of it.  People like him are the reason why the command is still around because they are incompetent without it.  His post proves that.

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  3. Leave ammu-nation the way it is, there's no need to change up a mechanic that works.  The whole weapons cases is so fucking over rated.


    2 hours ago, Mini_me said:

    Purpose is to improve RP quality and increase types of RP, although people will still loose their weapons in hand after death


    Please tell us all how this will improve roleplay in the long run, go on I'll wait.  Ah so it's because you don't want to lose weapons you bought from ammu-nation?  You want them in the cases so they stay in your inventory because those don't get wiped upon a death?  I see where this idea is going now, makes sense all of a sudden.



  4. 4 hours ago, Paco said:

    since u brought up that topic; they already gained a stable playerbase since their move to DL


    >stable playerbase





    same amount of players for last year or so and it's just staff and retards who no life that trash server

  5. 35 minutes ago, TiMoN said:

    quality over quantity worked great for a*goshit


    the only quality thing about that server was when you /q at the end of the day

  6. 9 hours ago, Kacper said:

    Do we have the people to actually add those nice skins and street gangs etc etc


    To make the servers own ones probably not.  Though I doubt anyone's going to care if the server used publicly available skins.

  7. 1 hour ago, Khelcey said:

    Stop asking cops for ransom in a hostage situation its pointless. Its more like you are robbing a bank yet you ask cops to give you 1 million dollars.




    Calling cops for ransom in a bank robbery is fucking stupid.  Only reason you would call them is to roleplay that silent alarm went off or something, not to ask for money.  

  8. 1 hour ago, [PF]LLENN said:

    Tbh nothing has changed only more DM like mudoo is just becoming a DM zone with the least given fuck about RP.

    People copbait、 cbug abuse bugs everything what do people do? Fuck all they only allow the DM to continue so what's the point about having this topic if nothing much has happened like people evade a ts then they stop and shoot and about 10 random ass aiders join and nothing? That's what is making mudoo shit and it's ruining the player experience for some people 


    The same shit happened on the other roleplay (lmfao) server most players came from.  I knew it'd happen eventually just didn't think it'd take this long, staff just need to put the foot down and say enough is enough.  Just saying about it on the forum isn't doing a thing, people will nod and agree but go back to do the exact same thing.  Deathmatching on a roleplay server shouldn't be taken lightly, no matter if first or tenth time doing it.  


    As for roleplaying, players need to get away from grinding out drugs and weapons, stop with petty faction beef between one another like robbing back and fourth or kidnapping.  That's shit tier roleplay for boring people who don't want to step up their game.  I'd give some good examples of what people could do but I'd be wasting my time.

  9. On 1/8/2019 at 5:00 PM, DeanC said:

    People who roleplay.


    Plus it's not just turning on the siren, people are going to use it and pretend to be cops. 


    Don't see how it affects roleplay but ok.


    What's wrong in pretending to be cops, if they're roleplaying then what's the issue.  Is there a rule explicitally stating players cant?


    If they aren't shit lording and trolling while doing it then there's nothing wrong with doing it.  


    If siren abuse was a thing then am sure a lot of cops would be reported for it.  But the fact is it's just an excuse people throw around.  smh

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