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Posts posted by Mikro

  1. Yes! We are finally launching a Minecraft server again!


    Somewhere this week we are launching our new Minecraft project. This in light of the new Minecraft 1.18 release which should be happening now as we speak. Once the server is available we will start setting things up. For now we are starting with a private SMP vanilla server for which you have to apply. Do note, if you just want to fuck around, this SMP is not for you.


    If things get rolling, we are probably expanding our Minecraft server into multiple servers though a Bungeecord server. This means you can connect to a lobby and choose from various kind of servers. Examples could be: bedwards, mini games, survival, factors, freeroam, etc. More on this expansion will be decided in the beginning of 2022.

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  2. General information


    Welcome to our Valrise SMP project! A Vanilla Private Minecraft SMP server.


    The server is intended to gather small community of players that have some experience in playing Minecraft where all can enjoy their time together. The server is on the latest Minecraft Version (1.18) running 24/7. You can join the server by applying for it in the link HERE.


    Before applying and to make sure this SMP is something for you, please also read the rules first. They can be found HERE.






    Can I play with a cracked Minecraft?

    No, the server is for premium accounts only.


    I got accepted, can my friend join?
    Yes, but he has to make his own whitelist application.


    Is it Java or Windows Minecraft?


    Am I allowed to use Optifine?
    Yes, you are allowed to use any mods that are not considered hacked (if you have doubts ask management if it is allowed).






  3. SMP rules


    This SMP is intended to have a friendly atmosphere where everyone listens to each other. We play together and issues are discussed and resolved between players themselves.


    1. All hacks are disallowed (for example: x-ray, wurst, ares, ForgeHax) and will result in a permanent ban.
    2. Client mods are allowed unless they allow the usage of exploits.
    3. PVP is allowed, but the items of the killed players should be kept safe and returned. Those that do not wish to take part in any fighting, should not be tormented.
    4. Griefing, stealing or anything that will damage builds of other players will result in a permanent ban.
    5. Be at least 250 blocks away from the spawn area to build.
    6. Be at least 500 blocks away from any builds and the end portal to spawn a Wither.
    7. Huge farms are only allowed after permission from management.
    8. It is not allowed to share the IP address to non-whitelisted members.
    9. Keep discussions friendly, general community rules apply.
    10. Harassment is not allowed in any way.
    11. Speak English in all public chats.
    12. You must be at least 16 years old to play. Lying about your age or identity will result in a permanent ban.
    13. Hacked/cracked Minecraft installations are not allowed and will not be given access.
    14. Item dupers (e.g. sand, rails, concrete) are not allowed.


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  4. It has been decided that you will be granted another chance. Please use it wisely and don't slowly go back to your old habbits. When I see it happening again, I will ban you without a warning, no matter if the comments were made in the heat of a fight, and no matter what others have said. Unbanned.

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