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  1. nah i was just kidding about vietnam flashback. u got bad sense of humour.
  2. What is your in-game name? Mike_Coconut Which staff member banned you? Kacper_Kowalski When did you get banned? 11/22/2020 What is the ban reason? RDM, script abuse (using fire extinguisher for not intended purpose) Personal comment So I was driving to fire fighter emergency with fire fighter truck and accidentaly ran into random police officer so he started chasing me. So i ran away from him, later he tried to arrest me and i killed him with that red thing who shoots white thing so i can go to my emergency and put out fire but then admin tpd me to the dead body asked me questions and banned me. Im sorry and i wont do it again. You can perm ban me from fire fighter but please unban me from server. Also i didnt know that police can stop firefighter who is on emergency call.
  3. What is your in-game name? Mike_Coconut Which staff member banned you? Teddy_Duncan When did you get banned? 08/31/2020 What is the ban reason? For abusing PD script Personal comment I saw one guy doing this. And i thought it was legal to do this so me and my friend did this to get armor cause its very expensive in Ammunation. If I would've knew that i wouldn't do this. I'm sorry and I will never do this again.
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