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  1. What is your in-game name? Antonio_Fenacci Which staff member banned you? Russell When did you get banned? 07/26/2020 What is the ban reason? PD duty script abuse Personal comment Hello STAFF team so now let me explain myself what i were doing so i was knocked out and i chose to spawn at near hospital for some reason i got spawned in hospital in angel pine (i was in LS) so since i was super bored i saw a PD station in angel pine i enter in it and took my pd duty on then i quit it i noticed that there was still pd weapons in my hand for some reason i took duty again over and over after some time i only had night stick in my hand so i quit job and leave it in my hands i really didn't meant to abuse to PD script i didn't even know i can abuse it i am new player also i was playing on Mudoo Roleplay last year but i quit it and joined again on it so now i would like to get unbanned and start again but this is your decision not mine.
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