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SA:MP RP Admin
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Everything posted by Eco

  1. Businesses been struggling due to business funds getting cut off! Will Sudais provide funds to state businesses?
  2. What is your in-game name? Clark Gvardia Which staff member banned you? Can’t remember When did you get banned? 07/07/2022 What is the ban reason? Cheats Personal comment Hello! Firstly I would like to apologize for the date, I couldn’t remember the exact date of the ban. Moving on, that day, when the admin teleported me to team view, he fairly viewed me and detected the cheats menu. And it was fair decision. Ever since I’ve been feeling bad, regret on my actions and what I’ve done. What I did was terrible as it was breaking the trust that was given to me, which was the biggest mistake that I’ve done. Therefore I’m here to say, I’m shameful of what I did, I would like to take a chance to say sorry and accept my mistake and, would be great full if staff team give me a chance. I’m sorry again.
  3. New governor and vice governor decided to cut all the business funds, what ya’ll think about this?

    1. MelonBoy


      First $200 tolls price now this?? Why do i feel like gov does not care about us?



      we do not care tbh

  4. New Government already Failed? Earlier today, group of civilians gathered at Los Santos City hall, and started chanting negative comments about new governor and their team. Perhaps civilians were requesting for an impeach of governor Finch! This being said shows that people are already unhappy and upset about our new governor! Pictures of this incident will be shown to public However as you can see in pictures above, situation taken under control by Law Enforcement personal! With this being said, let us know at comments section, how would you rate new governor's performance so far? Publisher: J.Valentine
  5. Female shouldn't compare themselves with me, they carry baby for 9 monts, and I carry them in my nuts for my whole life!

  6. As we all know, new governor elections coming up soon! This brings us to ask from people that how would you rate latest governor and their team’s performance? Let us know your answers by leaving comment below this post. Format: Full name: Comment:
  7. Weazel News now Hiring!!! If you’re interested in becoming professional journalist/news reporter, now this is your chance! Steps are simple: Join our discord and open ticket, fill out form and contact us for interview! Link: https://discord.gg/8Sp6U4wT Join us today!
  8. Çukur coming to Valrise!


    Çukur valrisa geliyor!

  9. All the news which made by Weazel News will be published In this particular section.
  10. Merry Christmas everyone 😄

  11. VOLUNTEER ABUSING HIS POWER! Earlier today, there was situation between a civilian and police volunteer at Los Santos City Hall, where volunteer decided to use his police issued equipment such as taser, to abuse the civilian's rights by making threat to their life! Poor civilian locked himself in his car and by the luck there was police field staff passing by and male who locked himself in the car managed to draw attention of that PO and seek for help, situation been dealt by police supervisory staff! We hope to see less events like this and we would appreciate if police department look over volunteer units more strictly! PICTURES OF INCIDENT Published by Weazel News Company's K.Townsend
  12. CASINO OF NEW ISLAND! We all been informed about new island at San Andreas, which took place next to Santa Maria beach! And island itself got the potential of becoming tourist magnet of San Andreas! However we were lucky to catch up to San Andreas governor, and he was there spending time along citizens, and by looks of it, governor got more plans for the island! We managed to take few pictures of governor at the casino of the island. Pictures of Governor! Published by Weazel News journalist, K.Townsend
  13. Tf are these prices?!? These cars made out of diamonds and golds?!?
  14. ADVANCED FD UNITS Advanced SAFD units!! So recently we been seeing few SAFD units with different look, wearing tactical vests, which is not common in SAFD, and we all been wondering who are they or what they actually do! So after digging a bit, we managed to actually get to know these fellas. They are multiple self volunteered SAFD units that willing to handle high risk situations which would be hard for normal EMS/FD units to do! They are being called U.W.U unit. This group stated that their goal is to improve serving to civilians in high risk situations, such as shootout fields. And after having a meetup with them, behind those tough vest and look they are kind and brave SAFD members. They stated they are not official division by SAFD and they do this completely voluntary. We managed to get pictures of these units for you: Made by K.Townsend Link to U.WU. units discord: https://discord.gg/svypsNEDqj
  15. Do you see what I don’t see?

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