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Va-ll hall-a

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Everything posted by Va-ll hall-a

  1. What is your in-game name? Natsuho_Sakura (forgot exact name but I remember this was a former/current name) Which staff member banned you? Unknown When did you get banned? 08/01/19 What is the ban reason? spreading toxicity and shit talking server Personal comment (ban date forgotten thus putting 1st of August) It has been virtually 2 months or so not quite memorable of exact date. But I was banned due to 1. insulting the server via suggestions then creating a extremely childish player report insulting the server as well as some members of the community. I have understood that my actions were incorrect and I clearly understand the punishment received. As per reading the ban system it states that 1st ban gives an individual a chance to prove they have changed thus I would like to take that chance and display that I have changed and immature actions like that would not be repeated. If I was to be unbanned I would play without the use of insults towards the community or server and if I encounter an issue which I would like to address I would state it in the correct manor without the use of insults and shit talking.
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