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Everything posted by Proxus

  1. I don't understand how you can't see it as clear abusing. You /q from the server to avoid taking damage from falling from a building - pretty obvious in my eyes. You have 1 ban and a clean punishment history so you will be unbanned in 2 weeks from now, on the 6th February 2021. Any attempts to ban evade during this time will result in your appeal being denied. To be unbanned on the 6th February 2021.
  2. I don't get how you can lie when it is blatantly obvious. It doesn't take a genius to delete the illegal mods from his computer but there are other ways we can find whether you had them or not. Do you still deny the usage of illegal modifications?
  3. Denied. Re-appeal when you're ready to come clean.
  4. Come clean about your usage of cheats unless you want to remain banned.
  5. We are not setting anymore properties with the /buy function.
  6. "EDİT: DO YOU SEE ADMİN DONT FOUND İT AİMBOT FİLE, BUT HE BANNED ME..." What's this then? "10/01/2021 17:36:00.989 Unregistering custom script named aimbot" I don't know if I'm misunderstanding what you're saying but you contradicted yourself in two lines.
  7. As this is your first ban, your appeal will be reviewed in 2 weeks. Any attempts to ban evade during this time will result in your appeal being denied. To be reviewed on the 2nd February 2021.
  8. As this is your second ban, your appeal will be reviewed in 4 weeks. You will also be subject to a 40% wealth cut as per the ban consequences. Any attempts to ban evade during this time will result in your appeal being denied. To be reviewed on the 16th February 2021.
  9. Approved, contact any snr+ in-game.
  10. Approved, contact any snr+ in-game.
  11. What interior would you like?
  12. I'll assume you're being serious and give you the definition. Aside from that, you refer to the admin that banned you as "Pakson" which either shows you are trolling or have an inability to conduct yourself in a normal way.
  13. Weed interiors are not set upon request, they are set by management only.
  14. Your behaviour has clearly not changed. Try again.
  15. Just found the property. It is part of another property (it's the back door, not a separate property) that is active so it will not be set. L&A.
  16. Can you provide a map location for this property?
  17. I hope that you've learnt your lesson and won't repeat it. Unbanned.
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