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Everything posted by Mkokoteli031

  1. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: House Image:
  2. What is your in-game name? Mkokoteli_Mbhele Which staff member banned you? Cavscov When did you get banned? 01/05/2025 What is the ban reason? Taking assert on my other account to another account of mine Personal comment I didn't know it not allowed to take assert on my other account and transfer them to another account I use
  3. What is your Discord account? Andisa0986 When did you get banned? 01/05/2025 What is the ban reason? They say account breaching Personal comment I didn't know the person I was engaged with was banned he was paying back my money I gave him with my other account and now am getting banned for that
  4. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: Yard Image:
  5. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: House Image:
  6. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: House Image:
  7. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: House Image:
  8. Am actually requesting for garage sir so that why I choose yard
  9. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: Yard Image:
  10. What is your in-game name? Mkokoteli_Mbhele Which staff member banned you? Cavcov When did you get banned? 11/07/2024 What is the ban reason? Fast Mod Personal comment I removed them can I be unbanned now plz
  11. Name: Mkokoteli_Mbhele Requesting: Yard Image:
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