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Posts posted by Buddah.

  1. I see alot of complaints, but let me just point out some things. 


    • Toolkits exist, there's a tool store in most towns, so if no mechanic is available, that's always an option.
    • Points for rental will be LSAP, Unity, Angel Pine, SFAP, Bayside, Fort Carson, LVAP and Blueberry. 
    • The point about if you /q in the desert was made by someone, my answer is just to not do that?
    • Taxi will become more profitable, at least in LS as people may use it more. 
    • Thief will require you to actually "steal" a players car, rather than getting in one at a location you know it will be.
    • Mechanics will get more work too, since players will call to repair their car rather than running to a state / rental 
    • Provides better RP opportunity since rentals can be used to commit criminal activity without the plate linking to you
    •  New players will have something that is "theirs", they can lock it and it won't be stolen.
    • Player made rental groups may also pick up. 
    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Christian said:

    It's a problem that it's going to get removed in a bullshit way.

    I mean, realistically speaking, drug lords would usually launder their money, so in some form or another you'd be paying tax on it. In the server we're limited to the detail of the script / system because its time consuming and there are other issues. I see zero point scripting some intricate system where money can be laundered through legal business and then all earnings are declared and money paid to an entity like the IRS, to get the exact same outcome. It's presented in a simple way yes, but if we presented it in some intricate and confusing way, the outcome would still be the same. 


    15 hours ago, Christian said:

    Let's say that you live in Saudi Arabia, where there is no income tax. You have 1mil dollars. What would happen if government out of nowhere started taking 10% out of your bank account just because you are rich? I'd say they'd get bombed or some shit. 

    I mean in this given example, yes people would probably not be happy. But there is again one thing you are failing to realise, and that is that this is indeed not real life. I've noticed criminals love to compare to real life when its a system / feature that affects them in a negative way, but heavily contradict themselves because in the same breath they'll roleplay as an underground mob, who will have a senior member wheeling to a gas station on his pink NRG because some hood rat asked for help, and that's fine because "its a 2004 game bro" 


    We have an economy where people can grow masses of wealth in the hundreds of millions and be completely un harassed by any government entity for the legality and the legitimacy of their income, yet it appears you want to spend an extra 20 hours a week forging transactions of a cover business, to still be taxed income tax at probably the same rate as this wealth tax. 

    15 hours ago, Christian said:

    Last time I checked, drug dealers and people who earn their money illegally don't pay income taxes. 

    Answered this previously, you'd pay it in some form because you'd launder your money. 


    15 hours ago, Christian said:

    If I was working as a trucker, I wouldn't complain about having to pay income tax. My income comes from dealing drugs, do I have to pay taxes to government for dealing drugs?

    Same again.


    15 hours ago, Christian said:

    Let me compare myself to El Chapo, Pablo Escobar or some other big drug lord. 

    El Chapo isn't paying income tax > Christian Ryan also isn't paying income tax
    El Chapo is paying only tax for the items he has registered > Chrisitian Ryan also pays tax for his properties and his vehicles
    El Chapo hides his money in a way that government can't get to it > Christian Ryan stores his money in his bank account because he has no other way to store it. And somehow he must pay the taxes.


    "El Chapo isn't paying income tax" > El Chapo laundered some of his money, in turn some tax would have been paid. Unsure in what quantity as I'm not an expert on him and his cartel. Christian Ryan on the other hand walks into the bank an makes frequent withdrawals and deposits in the multi-millions and has never been questioned on it. 


    "El Chapo is paying only tax for the items he has registered" > Christian Ryan deposits all of his money in a personal bank account.


    "El Chapo hides his money in a way that government can't get to it" El Chapo made many efforts to clean his money, Christian Ryan, citizen of fictional Los Angeles, does not. 


    Another example of a single criminal comparing themselves to real life drug lords and cartels with thousands of members and working parts, but only when it suits them. 



  3. 17 minutes ago, Anna Hemwoth said:

    Even if it was like you said

    They are called tax brackets, it is like I said. 


    40 minutes ago, Anna Hemwoth said:

    I don't think you understand the difference between income tax and wealth tax either.


    I understand the difference, we don't pay income tax is my point. I do understand the position you're in, but realistically how often is it that all of your assets are liquified and you're holding your true net-worth in cash? I think you're presenting a scenario that's unlikely to happen. Even still, looking at the numbers again for business' that are active and working is possible, although I don't think anyone is getting away scot free here, not even me. 


    edit : replied to another point, didn't wanna flood another reply. 





  4. 10 minutes ago, Anna Hemwoth said:

    Math is not that hard, come on.

    Neither is working out tax when you know how. 

    You're not paying 7 percent on $30,000,000,


    You pay 5% on $10,000,000 = $500,000

    You pay 7% on $20,000,000 = $1,400,000. 


    I missed a zero on the 5 in my $1,450,000 calculation. Should have been 500k as opposed to 50k. 



  5. 8 minutes ago, Christian said:

    Why is that a problem? 

    Why is it a problem if you don't have it anymore? 


    9 minutes ago, Christian said:

    What would happen if you had 10 000 pounds in your bank account and goverment just decided ''oh, that guy has a lot of money, let's 1000 pounds from his savings to make it more balanced.. other people are poor'' That's straight up robbing.It's not income tax or whatever, you are just taking someones wealth.

    If I paid income tax on it, I'd probably be pissed. But we don't pay income tax on money we earn in the server so this argument is kind of irrelevant. If we took the word "Wealth" from it, it would just be tax. What would you base your argument on then?


    18 minutes ago, Christian said:

    >Elon Musk is paying income tax. For every Tesla he sells, a part of money he generated goes to government... He sells 10k testlas and gets 50m, 10m goes to taxes. He earns money, government earns money. Everything is fine. 
    >Elon has let's say 100b in his bank account. Government decides to take 10b from his bank account, because he is rich. HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?



    "Elon Musk is paying income tax" > Christian Ryan isn't. 


    "He earns money, government earns money." > The Government currently takes $0 in tax from Christian Ryan's income. 


    "Elon has let's say 100b in his bank account. Government decides to take 10b from his bank account, because he is rich."  > Elon musk pays income tax. Christian Ryan does not.


    12 minutes ago, Christian said:

    I have to pay the state half a million a month? For what? For having money in my bank account? How does this make sense?

    You have to pay the state a percentage of what you earn because that's how life works, you're again clinging on to the fact its called a "wealth tax" and are failing to consider you don't actually pay an income tax. 


    14 minutes ago, Christian said:

    I have enough money to do drug deals up to 100kg. From 100kg I get around 500k-1m

    14 minutes ago, Christian said:

    TOTAL: 56.5k x30 days = 1.7m a month

    By this logic you should have been in minus money a long time ago, since you're making a net loss of $700k after your claimed "expenses" 


  6. 54 minutes ago, Anna Hemwoth said:

    5% of 3.000.000$ is indeed a relatively small amount of money, 150.000$. But what happens when I have 30.000.000$ and I get taxed 7% for it? I lose 2.100.000$

    You'd be taxed $1,900,000 if you had $30,000,000 


    54 minutes ago, Anna Hemwoth said:

    A large amount is given to the employees. They get 100% of the profit from stock vehicles sold, 10, 20, 30 or 40% of profit from out of stock vehicles (Based on their rank), 100% from furnishing, 50% from sold properties.

    The remaining profit will be equally split to three players, me, Bureaqer Lloyd, and Isabella Lloyd.


    This means I will soon lose more money than I make, just because I worked hard for a very long period of time.

    I understand that management does not like when people who are very wealthy go inactive and log in just to collect profits, but why are others being punished for it?

    I struggle to see how paying your employees would affect you, they pay the tax on the wages, and not you since the money isn't in your possession, maybe there's something I'm missing since I just skimmed through. 


    edit : changed my maths to be correct

  7. 11 minutes ago, Christian said:

    My point isn't that cops shouldn't get guns for free or something.
    My point is the fact that Mr. Craze can't understand why money is such a big concern for others, because he hasn't done anything to get it and he been getting everything from someone else. 

    The rates are incredibly low in my opinion. I wanted higher personally. There becomes a point where money is just sitting in peoples bank not being used. The fact is, looking at the data, there's only a handful who stand to lose a decent amount of cash from this tax, although comparatively to their net worth, it's peanuts. 


    Business owner always have, and always will have to continue working and building their income streams. Like Locmax said previously, the issue isn't people with a below $10m net worth, it's those who horde copious amounts of assets and money, yet this money isn't trickling down in the economy because they are inactive and coming IG to collect profits and quitting again. 


    To be frank, the ones moaning about it are the ones who stand to lose a couple hundred thousand from their multi-million net worth, if you put this negative energy into generating another revenue stream, you'd probably negate the tiny loss your gigantic net worth will take from being taxed. 


    You can't have it all, be active and build your net worth, or stay inactive and watch the number dwindle because you're too lazy to maintain your bank account.   



  8. I don't know if this is a ban appeal or a breakup text, either way it's not convincing enough. 


    After 48 punishments I don't see how you can say "i've changed" yet again, It's clear in this case that a leopard indeed can not change its spots. 


    I'll deny this appeal on the basis it doesn't show any of the said changes, in fact, it shows you are as toxic as ever.

  9. Hi Lara,


    In review of your punishment history, It's clear that out of all the 39 punishments you received, none were taken seriously.


    Plenty of chances were given to you to re integrate back into the server and play by the rules, but each chance was dismissed and you repeatedly went back to your old ways.


    Therefore, this appeal is denied and you will not be unbanned.


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