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[FiveM] RP

  1. What is your in-game name? Davis_Kezashi Which staff member banned you? Admin When did you get banned? 08/25/2022 What is the ban reason? Reason is 1 player want to take me hostage and i get banned nd he report me and i get phoneban i didnt know rules Personal comment Remove my phoneban i know my wrong what i made but i didint know rules
  2. What is your in-game name? Pinoy_Herrera Which staff member banned you? Idk When did you get banned? 04/08/2022 What is the ban reason? Cophunting Personal comment Everyone deserves a chance at redemption especially me. I am sorry, sorry, sorry. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I can’t find the right words to say I’m really sorry, but I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I messed up. I hurt your feelings and made you cry. I apologize for being such a cad. Forgive me, please? I am terribly sorry for all the things I’ve done, hurting you was even lower than the last thing on my To-Do list. Please forgive me. When we first met, I promised myself to make you happy no matter what. Yet, my actions have seemed to hurt your feelings. And for that, I am terribly sorry.The only thing I can think right now is how stupid I’ve been. I managed to hurt the feelings of the only person that I love more than everything else in this world. I am terribly sorry, and I wish that one day you can forgive me.
  3. What is your in-game name? Pinoy_Herrera Which staff member banned you? Idk When did you get banned? 04/08/2022 What is the ban reason? Cophunting Personal comment I'm veri veri veri sorry for ma bad attitude on my past ban appeals
  4. What is your in-game name? Davis_Kezashi Which staff member banned you? Admin When did you get banned? 08/24/2022 What is the ban reason? Reason is 1 player want to take me hostage and i get banned nd he report me and i get phone ban Personal comment I have phone ban remove it i cant play in pc
  5. What is your in-game name? jibawi leproblem Which staff member banned you? i think zac When did you get banned? 08/25/2022 What is the ban reason? dm Personal comment date is wrong i was so mad after my brother "buddy leproblem" got banned , i lost control of myself i was Angry a lot so i did Dm . i Go gs9 and sniped some nba guy (unKnown) and zac was Spec me and he suddenly Ban me . please i want to be unbanned if u see it fit . thanks
  6. What is your in-game name? abdullah hartwell Which staff member banned you? matthew guzman When did you get banned? 02/05/2022 What is the ban reason? ilgel modifcition Personal comment pls unban me im very sorry im very sad caues b an im ltierall crying and sakings haking shaking
  7. What is your in-game name? abdullah eix Which staff member banned you? cock and ball When did you get banned? 01/09/2038 What is the ban reason? kys rats Personal comment At 1:00 to 1:40 Pablo just litefoots without switching weapons so smoothly, pretty sure thats movement scripts or smth, literally can't be done without scripts and at 2:00 to 2:10 he justs locks on someone through the wall
  8. What is your in-game name? Davis_Kezashi Which staff member banned you? Admin When did you get banned? 08/24/2022 What is the ban reason? Reason is 1 player want to take me hostage and i get banned nd he report me and i get ban Personal comment Im not sure i got ban or phone ban but unban me if i have unban me and from phone ban
  9. What is your in-game name? Steve_Bratva Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 08/16/2022 What is the ban reason? Disabling Wi-Fi mid TV session Personal comment Hello, I was banned a week ago for disabling Wi-Fi in a mid-TV session while Benson was TV'ing me I shouldn't have to do that I also agree that it is totally my fault. I had gave my precious time to the server. All I want to say is let me play on the server again I am so sorry about what I did. You can TV me anytime further on, I will play with a clean GTA with CAC. If I get the last chance to play on the server I will never disappoint you for doing it I will not have any punishment further. Also, I will not make any mistakes further please just give me a last chance to play on your server. I am so sorry for what I did, I hope you will do something good about it. Thank you.
  10. What is your in-game name? Max Harrison Which staff member banned you? Chris Harris When did you get banned? 08/22/2022 What is the ban reason? Toxicity Personal comment Well, apparently I was reported by Mia Townsend for "Female harassment" meanwhile she was the one that kept on interfering in conversations and acting like the victim. The last straw for Chris was how I spoke about Iran in the community discord, addressing documents that show how cruel the Irani system is - it was all part of a conversation of me and another community member, however, she did not like that and acted up like we were harassing her. Our, or maybe even my goal was not to harass her. I was expressing my opinion and I have told Chris that she can block me if she doesn't want to see me conversating about Iran and other stuff. However, he simply said "Idc" and "Good luck". My goal was not to harrass, but was to express my opinion in a /public/ chat with another member of the community in the same /public/ chat, incredibly sorry for the huge mess.
  11. What is your in-game name? Kanneth_BinLaden Which staff member banned you? Baga When did you get banned? 08/21/2022 What is the ban reason? Here only for dm Personal comment I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to cum. So what we came across that day on the woods was obviously unplanned and the reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down, and stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently, but I didn't, and for that from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to cum to the internet, I want to cum to anyone who's seen the video, I want to cum to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness, or depression, or suicide. But, most importantly, I want to cum to the victim and his family. For, my fans, who are defending my actions, please don't, they do not deserve to be defended. The goal of my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all inclusive and in the world I live in I share almost everything I do. The intent is never to be heartless, cruel, or malicious. Like I said, I made a huge mistake, I don't expect to be forgiven, I'm just here to cum. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself, and I promise to be better. I will be better, thank you.
  12. What is your in-game name? George_Thorogood Which staff member banned you? Benson Jefferson When did you get banned? 08/20/2022 What is the ban reason? Refusing to be TV'ed Personal comment So i was playing normally and this guy called benson pull up on me and say that he wants to control my pc, am i being silly or its normal in this server to give access to some teenager living 50k miles away from me to control my pc? Its not even my pc and its my fathers, why would i risk giving him access to my fathers private files over an old game that no one even plays anymore also yall dont have something called privacy here or what lol is this shit even legal… last time i heard about teamviewer was in a YouTube scam bust video lol
  13. What is your in-game name? Mark_Art Which staff member banned you? Zac Hernandez When did you get banned? 08/20/2022 What is the ban reason? Ban Evading + Hacking Personal comment I got banned , without any word. I was chasing a suspect and then I got banned for banevading. This is my first time trying this server and i was getting to like it but got banned.
  14. What is your in-game name? ahmed soedharmoyon Which staff member banned you? kacper kowalsi When did you get banned? 08/17/2022 What is the ban reason? ban evading Personal comment why you think im ban evading i didnt do anything my friend tell me about this server i come play and he and helper dingy help me become cop and then i got banned while patrolling
  15. What is your in-game name? Liam Lopez Which staff member banned you? benson When did you get banned? 08/20/2022 What is the ban reason? Stealing group owned assets Personal comment today i got banned and u can already see the reason we took the cars from the group and 3 of us did split it and we did all get involved and yes it was my idea but we all did this together also we hadno clue its illegal u didn't even give us a chance u instantly banned us even when u took everything back u should've atleast warned/admin jailed us to know that's its illegal and we can't do it without rp
  16. What is your in-game name? A Which staff member banned you? B When did you get banned? 08/19/2022 What is the ban reason? C Personal comment D
  17. What is your in-game name? nafe_zosti Which staff member banned you? Yuri I think am not sure When did you get banned? 08/15/2022 What is the ban reason? Walking while dead Personal comment I did a ban appeal and it got denied also when I did that appeal it was before the new samp mobile update now samp on mobile got updated and the bug/glitch I got banned for is now fixed if you dont belive me I can show you some proof on discord. Now can I get unbanned since there is no reason for the ban now because the bug/glitch got fixed.
  18. What is your in-game name? I LOVE PAKISTAN Which staff member banned you? I LOVE PAKISTAN When did you get banned? 02/02/1902 What is the ban reason? I LOVE PAKISTAN I WILL SACRIFICE MY LIFE FOR PAKISTAN Personal comment THE NEXT GENERATION OF PAKISTAN IS GOING TO MAKE PAKISTAN THE CRAZY 100% WOW GRAPE
  19. What is your in-game name? ahmed_soedharmoyon Which staff member banned you? kacper kolwski When did you get banned? 08/18/2022 What is the ban reason? ban evaseng Personal comment i m not ban evading i dont know why i got ban ?? i was patroleng with mussa and i got banned i didn tdo any rule breka
  20. What is your in-game name? James_Addison Which staff member banned you? James_Hartwell When did you get banned? 07/12/2022 What is the ban reason? "Menu" Personal comment Hello, I was banned from TV by James Hartwell because of the alleged "menu". I have to say that I 100% didn't use any cheats. In the beginning when he TV'd my PC I had my OBS (recording software) open so I would have evidence in case something weird happened. He started closing Firefox, then Task Manager, Discord and last of all he closed OBS and so I couldn't have video recording from TV. After that he went into my GTA, spun the cam briefly, went AFK for 10 seconds and then banned me. NO menu was opened or no other cheats were detected, but he still banned me for "menu". This was on a global war day. I recorded ALL the kills in the Global War event and posted them on my YT channel where you can see I don't use cheats and I'm clean. I would never risk downloading a menu on my PC that could contain a virus, even on a global war day when the admins are spectating the players anyway, I am a clean player who also donated to the server to support it's great work. Also, I was banned for hacks before in 2020, acknowledged my mistake, improved and never had anything to do with hacks again, so why would I risk something like that again and at a Global War event where it's very likely that can i be spectated? I really don't understand why he did something like that, because he was banned himself 2 weeks later because of fail bans and other reasons. You can also see all my kills on my YT channel. I just want to get unbanned and continue playing normally. It's not my intention to harm the players on the server or anything else, I just want to have fun with friends again. I'm also willing to have my PC fully checked by a Manager+ and always record my gameplay 24/7 so admins can always check if my gameplay is legit or not.
  21. What is your in-game name? Juan_Salinas Which staff member banned you? Peter_Mackenzie When did you get banned? 07/16/2022 What is the ban reason? Weapon Hacks Personal comment hello I am posting my unban request today because I want to play the server again, the admin banned me thinking that I have cheat a weapon when I have the weapon license. I find it not cool you can see the logs if you want
  22. What is your in-game name? mngrek_inoli Which staff member banned you? dizzy When did you get banned? 02/22/2022 What is the ban reason? not sure Personal comment hello, its been a few months since i got banned but im requesting you to give me a last chance to play because i will no longer try to break any rules thank you in advance
  23. What is your in-game name? Darko_Venture Which staff member banned you? Anonymous When did you get banned? 08/17/2022 What is the ban reason? Fog Mod Personal comment I am really sorry on my behalf. Did not know this isn't allowed. The only thing that it does is edit draw distance) Thank you for your time!
  24. What is your in-game name? Flocky_Perez Which staff member banned you? Benson_jefferson When did you get banned? 08/16/2022 What is the ban reason? Mobile cheats Personal comment Idk why I got banned for mobile cheats especially today because I wasn't on all day I've never even used a cheat on this server idek how.
  25. What is your in-game name? Vasiconi_Bajkula Which staff member banned you? Marko_Vanhanen When did you get banned? 08/16/2022 What is the ban reason? Reason: Script abuse (using tow truck to tow a securicar heist van around the map for fun) Personal comment I honestly didnt know it was not allowed and i wanted to help police catch the heist members easier. I know I probably shoudlve known it by now but I also feel that the punishment is too harsh since it was straight away ban without any warnings or asking me for any kinda explanation. I am very sorry for what I did and I apologise to admin team and to heist members that were trying to do the heist.
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