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Everything posted by mhmd

  1. Mr Locmax, I appreciate you for responding, true im not banned but as I said up Im (Mobile Banned) and I can't play on laptop because I dont have one and hard to get. I hope u understand that and as I said I hope that I can get another chance on mobile. @LocMax
  2. What is your in-game name? Davis_Rane Which staff member banned you? Andrew_Clarson When did you get banned? 04/06/2024 What is the ban reason? illegal modifications. Personal comment Hey Dear Staff, i got banned from using mobile samp on valrise because i used aimbot once from 2 months + and i didnt wana bother you with the ban appeal because I know that it was my fault. But i only have a mobile and can t get a laptop any time soon,My V2 history was hyper clean i never got sanctioned even once, this is my first time committing a mistake and i got mobile banned,Can i please get a chance to replay on mobile? Will never use any modification from now on and I admit my mistake and I promise you that this is the first and last stupid thing I will do in the server. Thank you. Davis Rane
  3. What is your in-game name? Davis_Rane Which staff member banned you? Sauron When did you get banned? 04/01/2024 What is the ban reason? Illegal modifications (as he said aimbot) Personal comment He gave me a phone ban so he forced me to play on vac.but I have only phone, however im playing almost 2 years on valrise with mobile like 8h+ daily and how telling I'm using aimbot?,these admins nowadays if they saw a mobile player getting kills in a turf they immediately say aimbot because he (mobile).Maybe because the new client we can put a cleo on it and i put a sensitivity cleo and camera like pc?he said aimbot xD?he just immediately ban me without knowing shit.
  4. What is your in-game name? moudi_rah Which staff member banned you? Brian_Thompson When did you get banned? 11/06/2022 What is the ban reason? Mobile Abbusing Personal comment Hello, From two weeks I make in the game /support because I was having a problem that was when I enter the server my fps are 60 but after like 10 min the fps go down to 25 and it start lagging and crash, so I told my problem to one of the admins that responded to me (/support ) and he told me that I should install a client that solve my problem and he told me to search on YouTube for it and yeah after installing it the problem have been solved and all thing was good. Today (Sun Nov 6) I was playing in the server and I went to explode an atm but it exploded on me also so I knocked down so when I was waiting the knocked down time to finish to make /accept death I started to press the buttons on my screen till I press the button ( TAB ) so when I pressed it the player stand up so I was shocked so I tried to climb my motorcycle and I get banned. I didn't know that this will happen when I press ( TAB ) and I think this is a bug from the game its not our problem. I will not repeat this action I just learned a lesson. PLEASE UNBAN ME ( SAMP VALRISE GAMING)
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