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SA:MP RP Helper
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Everything posted by Anthony.B

  1. Bilal called backup again when I came from afk. But I do admit my mistake that I blindly went for backup without knowing anything. For that I am really sorry. I hope admin will give positive answer to the appeal and give me a chance to improve my mistake
  2. And I also never had too many punishment issue so I think he should at least warn or temp ban me. And I don't know how it random dm as sit began from idlewood cops due to cops. They shot us first we didn't. And they chased us to LV. He only banned me and jageera where all of us were involved and we didn't even started the sit nor we called backup.
  3. What is your in-game name? Osama_Mucahit Which staff member banned you? Kacper_Carter When did you get banned? 04/19/2021 What is the ban reason? Rdm, copbaiting Personal comment Sorry for what I did I explained everything what I had to say in discord so plz give me last chance I didn't do it intentionally though as I didn't knew my friends already ran from there as I had went afk for sometime due to irl issues.
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