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FiveM RP Developer
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Posts posted by TiMoN

  1. 15 minutes ago, LocMax said:

    Accepted applicants:

    1. Tommy Wong
    2. Denzel Lee
    3. Silvester Aaron
    4. Brain Genovese
    5. Daryl Reznov

    The others have been considered ineligible due to one of the reasons:

    1. Exiled from the state (banned)
    2. Inaccurately submitted information in the application
    3. Underage applicants


    global unban tomorrow u cant do this

  2. been quiet for some time but I've been working on some big shit

    the economy in the server will be directly influenced by the constantly fluctuating stock market

    taxes, fees and prices will be calculated every IG day based on the share price of each stock, for example low state treasury stocks means high tax, and high hospital shares means low medical fees


  3. Haven't posted in a while but that doesn't mean there was no developments.

    I have recreated the trucking system to be a state of the art with 25 different cargos and 25 depots. Cargoes range in types from crates that you carry(think of fabric from samp) and loose, fluid, woodlogs and flatbed cargoes.


    Depots will require "commodities" to generate new products and players will have to deliver them, products can then be sold to other depots for much more money than selling commodities, sounds like a fair bargain, no?





  4. Add components to every PD locker, 1 component = /weaponequip.

    If components = 0 then PD has to do convoy from KACC Military Fuel to that PD, if convoy is successfully raided players will get the components in the convoy truck as weapon parts.

    Everyone wins and it increases activity.

  5. 1 minute ago, Ashley_Fisher said:

    Say what ?! I used to be in CNR in 2014 and I could buy different hair styles with different colors, idk I forgot how it look like, it's ...aughh i forgot

    they were objects from that list with changed textures

  6. 18 minutes ago, Faizan said:

    Well i support it, But you know its not possible Owner need to make custom skins for this and convert server to 0.3DL then its possible otherwise no.

    its not possible

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