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FiveM RP Developer
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Posts posted by TiMoN

  1. 6 hours ago, LocMax said:

    We have revamped some of the authorities of a Governor and he is now allowed to;

    1. Open / close stations of emergency services.

    2. Add or remove vehicles of emergency services.

    3. Propose specific operations to be conducted by the emergency services.

    4. Add or amend laws.

    5. Use government budget for various projects and so on.


    Additionally, it was scripted that the governor can from now on:

    1. Set property tax based on region (ie. LS, SF, TR, RC...)

    2. Set base paycheck for emergency services.


    which of those require approval from senate or w/e?

  2. Summary: The State of San Andreas has been under constant attack from rebels in Bone County. The weak and pathetic government; instead of crushing the rebellion has chose to shower it with gifts and rewards, dubbing them "humanitarian aid". Should Timon be appointed the title Dictator, he shall crush the rebellion in a matter of weeks.



    The State has been under attack for months following the rise of an incursion in Bone County, fighter planes have been spotted on a daily basis attacking innocents and bombing sites inside the cities. This decree will grant me, Timon absolute power over the state to deal with this incursion and crush the rebels. As perhaps the only competent governor and elected official, this role will be perfectly suitable.


    In ancient Roman society, during states of emergencies the Roman Senate would appoint a previous rule or military general as "Dictator"; the dictator would be given absolute power to preside over the matter of which he was appointed for. However, in order to prevent the dictatorship from threatening the state itself, severe limitations were placed upon its powers: a dictator could only act within his intended sphere of authority; and he was obliged to resign his office once his appointed task had been accomplished, or at the expiration of six months. Emperor Cornelius was appointed Dictator 6 times to deal with numerous rebellions and wars that have succeeded his rule.  Read more here


    The current government has failed in its duty to protect its citizens from the daily attacks by the incursion of the LET faction and has instead showered them with gifts and rewards, dubbing them "humanitarian aid". When citizens of San Andreas fought back by bombing sites held by those terrorists, the current governor responded by providing medical aid to the terrorists.


    As dictator I will crush this rebellion in numbered days and prove that the current government is as incompetent as it is flawed.

    • Like 2
  3. On 7/6/2019 at 10:25 AM, Ramo said:

    Maybe give the Governor title a bit more power, that way some players might be more interested in becoming one. Such as different taxes on every city,  different taxes on every toll, ability to have some control within SAPD, and so on.

    or maybe actually give him power to do anything without consulting the 3 managers who are also the highest ranking officials

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, LocMax said:

    Where they considered cyber bullying as gathering evidence against persons in game, in roleplay context, since at no point did I there ever mention anyone's real life and went talking shit about their existence.  We're not restricting people from having random arguments, common flaming and provocations, etc... what is being questioned is the actual bullying which is defined as attacking people on personal levels (real life level) and dragging their real life matters into the game.  Additionally, general toxic behavior and actions, that promote negativity in the server and cause hatred and so on.


    To further make the point that their perceptions of rulebreaking are off, this person is their developer for a year!

      Reveal hidden contents



    Sharing your picture on discord and then having it turned into a meme is your fault.

    Giving players you real life name and getting doxxed is your fault.

    Unless some serious hacking was involved(not social engineering), it's 99.99% the victim's fault.

    • Popcorn 1
  5. no let people say what they want to say, this community is centered about a video game that portrays violence, racial slurs, sexism and homophobia as forms of entertainment

    perhaps join a knitting community if you want family friendly content


    censorship isn't the answer and will never be

    • Like 2
  6. You should start adding/removing teams based on international conflicts to encourage players to settle disputes and controversies through a healthy atmosphere of team deathmatching. Should also encourage players from both sides to join the server.

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