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Posts posted by Carters

  1. Details of the representative of the company
    Full name:
    Athena Carter

    Phone number: 6155

    Residence address: NR 1529, Verona Beach, Los Santos
    Email ((discord tag)): SixFeetUnder#8044

    Details of the company
    Company name:
    Carter Logistics

    Company type: Logistics

    Company creation date: 6th September 2020

    Company's headquarters address: NR 2451, Downtown, Los Santos

    Company's phone number (if it has): 0606
    Company's networth: 7-10 million
    Current number of employees: Approximately 30

    Why would your company be picked to fulfill this important role?:  CI has been one of the oldest and still functioning groups in San Andreas. The primary division of the company is Carter Logistics and has now expanded to other industries. CI has managed to provide job to over 30 employees from different regions and ethnic backgrounds and is still expanding with its vision of progress. CI has an unmatched reputation and is the winner of 2020's best business group award.  It is currently the leading company in the logistics industry with a very successful track record proven by reviews from our customers. We seek to become a member of the SBSF so that we can continue providing an outstanding service for our customers and retain our employees and keep them on payroll in the current challenging economic climate. Should there be a need for further information regarding our operation, please do not hesitate to contact me on my email AthenaC@carterinc.com.

    What are the estimated funds are you expecting to be provided with: $2,000,000

    How is the to-be given funds will be used?: Funds to be used to cover all company operating expenses and short & long term liabilities.
    Link to your business' thread: 

    Agreement contract

    I, Athena Carter, representative of the Carter Incorporated, swear that I've answered to the questions above with the best of my capacities and without lying or omitting any necessary information for the correct evaluation of my application. I solemnly Swear that I've got no unlawful or evil purposes concerning the safety of the State of San Andreas or the State of San Andreas' Government itself, and that I've not committed perjury within the application above. I agree to be subsequently punished under the law SA-PSC § III.8. Forgery for "Forgery" if found out that I've been lying or omitting necessarily required information within the application above. I agree, that upon being accepted to the State Business Support Fund program, to follow all the State Business Regulations set forth in the State Law and understand that incase of a breach of those regulations to face criminal charges and accept the immediate removal from the program and co-operate with the State and Federal investigation.

    Athena Carter




    To the Champion of Capitals, regardless of age, you’ll always be the tenderhearted, cat obsessive, everlasting Vampire SIX. Happy birthday B and all the best!

    - Arslan Carter


    Old enough to start consuming vitamin supplements alongside Jones. You should reach out to him and see if you can catch a deal to order the supplements together.

    - Matthew Carter




    To the one who redefined girl power in the FBI and gained our admiration with a very tender way of looking to issues - my warmest wishes, Athena, from the least misogynistic Carter : )

    - Leonardo Carter







    To participate in the giveaway, post a number 1-100 in addition to the birthday wish.

    Winner will be picked in a few days through random.org and announced here.

    • Like 4
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  3. Details of the representative of the company
    Full name: 
    Athena Carter 
    Phone number: 6155 
    Email ((discord tag)): SixFeetUnder#8044

    Details of the company
    Company name: 
    Carter Logistics 
    Company type: Logistics 
    Company creation date: 6th September 2020
    Current number of employees: 24
    Why would your company be picked to fulfill this important role?: 
    Carter Logistics is an established logistics company prepared to add value to the economy of San Andreas by providing jobs and a quality service to customers. It is currently the leading company in the logistics industry with a very successful track record proven by reviews from our customers. We seek to become a member of the SBSF so that we can continue providing an outstanding service for our customers and retain our employees and keep them on payroll in the current challenging economic climate. Should there be a need for further information regarding our operation, please do not hesitate to contact me on my email AthenaC@carterinc.com.   
    Link to your business' thread: https://forum.valrisegaming.com/index.php?/topic/6415-ci-carter-incorporated/

    Agreement contract

    I, Athena Carter, representative of the Carter Logistics, swear that I've answered to the questions above with the best of my capacities and without lying or omitting any necessary information for the correct evaluation of my application. I solemnly Swear that I've got no unlawful or evil purposes concerning the safety of the State of San Andreas or the State of San Andreas' Government itself, and that I've not committed perjury within the application above. I agree to be subsequently punished under the law SA-PSC § III.8. Forgery for "Forgery" if found out that I've been lying or omitting necessarily required information within the application above. I agree, that upon being accepted to the State Business Support Fund program, to follow all the State Business Regulations set forth in the State Law and understand that incase of a breach of those regulations to face criminal charges and accept the immediate removal from the program and co-operate with the State and Federal investigation.



    Athena Carter 

    Chief Executive Officer 

    Carter Logistics

  4. Details of the representative of the company
    Full name:
    Athena Carter 
    Phone number: 6155 
    Email ((discord tag)): SixFeetUnder#8044

    Details of the company
    Company name:
    Carter Logistics 
    Company type: Logistics 
    Company creation date: 6th September 2020
    Current number of employees: 16
    Why would your company be picked to fulfill this important role?:
    Carter Logistics is an established logistics company prepared to add value to the economy of San Andreas by providing jobs and a quality service to customers. It is currently the leading company in the logistics industry with a very successful track record proven by reviews from our customers. We seek to become a member of the SBSF so that we can continue providing an outstanding service for our customers and retain our employees and keep them on payroll in the current challenging economic climate. Should there be a need for further information regarding our operation, please do not hesitate to contact me on my email AthenaC@carterinc.com.   
    Link to your business' thread: https://forum.valrisegaming.com/index.php?/topic/6415-ci-carter-incorporated/

    Agreement contract

    I, Athena Carter, representative of the Carter Logistics, swear that I've answered to the questions above with the best of my capacities and without lying or omitting any necessary information for the correct evaluation of my application. I solemnly Swear that I've got no unlawful or evil purposes concerning the safety of the State of San Andreas or the State of San Andreas' Government itself, and that I've not committed perjury within the application above. I agree to be subsequently punished under the law SA-PSC § III.8. Forgery for "Forgery" if found out that I've been lying or omitting necessarily required information within the application above. I agree, that upon being accepted to the State Business Support Fund program, to follow all the State Business Regulations set forth in the State Law and understand that incase of a breach of those regulations to face criminal charges and accept the immediate removal from the program and co-operate with the State and Federal investigation.


    Athena Carter 

    Chief Executive Officer 

    Carter Logistics

    • Like 1
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    • Your business name: Carter Incorporated 
    • Your business type: Logistics 
    • Your business creation date: 29 December 2019
    • Current number of employees: 15
    • How much money do you require on monthly basis: 740,000
    • Why do you require support fund: To ensure we are able to continue paying employees in a very unstable economy. 
    • How will you use the support fund: Pay employees on a consistent basis. This will be highly regulated and only two management personnel and only the top 5 employees will be paid using this fund. A further breakdown can be provided if needed. 
    • Link to your business' thread: https://forum.valrisegaming.com/index.php?/topic/6415-ci-carter-incorporated/&tab=comments#comment-93096
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