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SA:MP RP Admin
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Posts posted by UncleAriana

  1. 4 hours ago, LocMax said:

    There won't be any region blocks (IP bans). Anyone can join and play, from anywhere.


    The difference is that the rules will be strictly enforced there, and most players from SA:MP judging by my witnessing, won't be compatible with the stricter medium RP server that is leaning towards heavy RP more than light RP.


    we currently cant join to the samp rp from iran. can you take a look? We all either use vpn or an ip changer in order to join

  2. 11 hours ago, LocMax said:


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    1. What is UG:MP

    UG:MP stands for Underground Multiplayer and it is a platform just like SA:MP which you can download and install. It'll be released on 25th December.


    2. What are we doing on UG:MP?

    We're opening a roleplay server just like in SA:MP. Except, it'll be a higher level roleplay server. It'll contain a character system as visible in screenshot above, and will have variety of roleplay rules such as character rules, metagaming rules and so on. You will start from 0 and have to build your characters up. The script is essentially the same as in SA:MP, with some features removed, and others implemented.


    3. When is that server going to be up?

    It will be up on 25th December.


    4. What are the benefits?

    It will contain maps, vehicles, skins and weapons from previous GTA games, such as Vice City, Liberty City, and so on. That means you will be able to purchase a large variety of skins, vehicles and weapons.


    5. Preview

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    Do I need to install other GTAs aswell to play UG:MP?

  3. Quote

    M4 has lower damage and support shorter range than AK-47 but the gun has higher fire rate and more accurate.

    • High fire rate: Having higher fire rate allows M4 to fire much faster than AK-47.
    • High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows M4 to fire and hit targets easier than AK-47

    Google it and you will find this as well

    M4 VS AK

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