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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2024 in Posts

  1. What is your in-game name? Mark Korwnaios Which staff member banned you? Kacper i think When did you get banned? 11/15/2023 What is the ban reason? Toxicity Personal comment Hello, first of all I don't remember the exact date of my ban but It was months ago, i was banned for "toxicity" after arguing and initiating a huge argument on public chat, I realize its a dumb mistake and I should not have done that, please give me another chance, thanks.
    4 points
  2. 9m for house with pots
    1 point
  3. What is your in-game name? Tyler_Arkwood Which staff member banned you? I dont remember When did you get banned? 02/23/2024 What is the ban reason? Crashing a plane during event Personal comment Hello dear Valrise staff, About 2 or 3 months ago, I was banned for crashing a plane into a crowd of players during some Christmas event I think, that was a dumb mistake and I am so sorry, I am here to ask for a chance to play on the server again, I want to get playing on Valrise again because Ramadan is almost there with all the events and everything, I can be vac'ed no worries I just want to be playing again on the server. Thank you,
    1 point
  4. Your in-game name: Mikal Who banned you: Some Italian Muslim Date of the ban: idgaf Reason of the ban: hacking Personal comment: listen here you little fucking queer, I will fucking destroy you, you will regret your entire life if you deny me again, I will make you wish you were never born, you will be in so much pain that your great great great great great great great great grandparents will feel it, you dare to question me again, you dare to deny me again, you will regret it almost as much as your mother regrets giving birth to you, you waste of pathetic fucking space, fuck off, wanker.
    1 point
  5. Hello, Mark Korwnaios! Thank you for submitting an unban request, our staff members will review it shortly. Until then, follow some of these instructions: Do not message staff members to review your unban request, it will result in extension of its reviewal time. Be honest and do not attempt to lie to us. We will deny your request upon discovering lies. Getting banned multiple times is a serious concern and should not happen at all. With every ban your chances of unban are reduced. In the meantime, do not attempt to ban evade. That will directly lead to denial of your request.
    0 points
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