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Community Calendar

Event details


Global War Event

 01/07/2022 - 17:00 CET

What is this event? And how does it work?
Global war is a server event where all participating groups are allowed to kill other war participant group members on-sight w/o any sort of interaction. It basically is a free for all but b/w groups.

During a group war, kills - deaths - captures - defends count for each group, they can be viewed using /groupwars

So far VCS, Gvardia, VLA, NBA, NSV, CSM, & TCC have registered for the global war event. Groups participating in the global war war are displayed in /groupwars with a green color.

Will cops be allowed to shoot at us?
Yes, cops are allowed to engage if they observe any groups in-combat. And if you have a problem with that, you can fight in remote areas instead, such as BC, SF, TR, etc where cops don't usually patrol, this would decrease the chances of you getting third partied by them while you are fighting someone.

Edited by James


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