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Christmas Raffle [Vehicles]


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Vehicles to be given away in this raffle:

  1. Sandking - $150,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  2. Monster truck- $350,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  3. x2 NRG - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  4. x2 Maverick - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  5. Stunt plane - $450,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  6. x2 Turismo - $150,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  7. x2 Infernus - $400,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle
  8. Patriot - $350,000 payment to government bank account to enter the raffle for this vehicle


You are ONLY paying to enter the raffle. No further payments necessary, aside of tuning and upgrading as you wish.


 No refunds! once you submit money to the government bank account, you will not receive that money back!


How to enter the raffle?

  1. You must submit the format below in THIS topic
  2. You must send money to government bank account (#1) and provide proof of the payment
    1. image.png
    2. image.png
    3. image.png
    4. image.png
  3. You must show a photo of your /stats from the character you want to access the raffle
    1. image.png
  4. Winner is picked thru https://wheelofnames.com/


Application format

Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:
Show a photo of /stats with the said character:
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:
Which vehicles are you participating for:


When will the winners be picked?

The event when the winners get picked will be announced on Discord #announcements few days prior, and yo

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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Hammad_Hilton
Show a photo of /stats with the said character: 
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: 
Which vehicles are you participating for: Turismo




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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Harry Kingsman
Show a photo of /stats with the said character:https://imgur.com/moNJZCZ
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:https://imgur.com/E5gzqSv
Which vehicles are you participating for:Patriot/Sandking
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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Rebel_Emberfall

Show a photo of /stats with the said character:

Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:

Which vehicles are you participating for: NRG, Patriot



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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Madison_Claire

Show a photo of /stats with the said character:

Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:

Which vehicles are you participating for:All


Edited by Nora_Kate
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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Lars_Vegas

Show a photo of /stats with the said character: https://i.imgur.com/bICP26O.png

Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: https://i.imgur.com/kB38Kmj.png

Which vehicles are you participating for: Turismo, Infernus

Edited by Lars_Vegas
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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Marisa Kirisame

Show a photo of /stats with the said character: Screenshot_20241222-163121_Alyn_SA-MP_Mo


Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:




Which vehicles are you participating for: sandking, infernus, monster truck

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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Antonio_Hilton

Show a photo of /stats with the said character: https://i.imgur.com/HxYb5un.png
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: https://i.imgur.com/LMw2eDz.png

Which vehicles are you participating for: Turismo
Edited by antoniodr
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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Derick_Kray ( previously known as Derick_Kryton now changed name to : Derick Kray )
Show a photo of /stats with the said character: 
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:
Which vehicles are you participating for:Maverick/Sandking




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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Joe_Alwyn 
Show a photo of /stats with the said character: https://imgur.com/odHVCgs
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account: https://imgur.com/Pa2avHC
Which vehicles are you participating for: x2 Turismo - $150,000 payment | x2 Infernus - $400,000 payment | x2 Maverick - $400,000 payment | Patriot - $350,000 payment
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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with:Rachel Kenzo
Show a photo of /stats with the said character:
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:
Which vehicles are you participating for:All vehicle (already pre-paid for Patriot, NRG and Infernus above topic)


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Name of the in-game character you want to participate with: Jamar Crenshaw
Show a photo of /stats with the said character:
Show a photo with /td in chat when you send payment to the government bank account:
Which vehicles are you participating for: All



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